Q. | Is the PLI a MilSim Team? |
A. | No! The PLI is a paintball mega-team organization dedicated to recreational paintball. We play scenarios, role playing, and occasionally a military style game. There is MUCH MUCH MORE to the PLI than "MilSim" |
Q. | Does the PLI use Army ranks? |
A. | No, within the organization members can advance by tiers based on their longevity and dedication to the unit. The only "ranks" we have are Executive Coordinator, Council representative, Detachment Liaison, and member. At events the appropriate leadership structure will be used based on the event and within the scenario guidelines. (And no saluting is necessary, all members and non members are to be treated with respect at all times). |
Q. | Do I have to buy Advantage Camouflage and gear? |
A. | No, the PLI does not require the use of Advantage or similar camouflage; however, we do ASK all members try to get a set of Advantage or realtree hunting camouflage to serve as their "team PLI" uniform. This will give us a better appearrance of uniformity, confuse the other team as to numbers, and allow our players to have a PLI specific dress that meets PLI requirements and still have their own individual uniforms for regular play. |
Q. | What are the dues? |
A. | At this time there are no dues. The BCC can vote to have them, but we do not feel we should impose them at this point as they are unnecessary. The annual renewal is $10 per TEAM to pay for publications et al. |
Q. | My team is under 18, can we still join? |
A. | Yes! It just requires a guardians signature. |
Q. | How do you get the Battalion together for events? |
A. | Walk, run, drive, rent a bus, fill a van. Whatever it takes to get there. |
Q. | How much does it cost to join the PLI? |
A. | $10 for your TEAM's registration. You can purchase copies of FM 1-1, FM 1-2 and FM 1-3 for each team member or download/copy them. Patches are an encouraged purchase at $5 each. |
Q. | Why are the tactics so basic? My team uses a much more complex system. |
A. | KISS or Keep It Simple Stupid. Reality dictates that the PLI will have few chances to practice, therefore it is better to be good at simple things. A small team can be highly organized, but it is still a small team. The PLI is a Mega Team. Coordination is the key. Most 5 man teams will be able to fit their tactics into the PLI framework to aid in coordination and communication. We know they are simple, we intended it that way. |
Q. | Why does the apPLIcation process have to be so comPLIcated? |
A. | It's not. It is one form and a couple of bucks! |
Q. | Why are the by laws so comPLIcated? |
A. | Because they needed to be all-inclusive. The PLI is not intended to provide cannon-fodder for the PLI Staff, indeed, the EC cannot lead a field event when in office, therefor it was necessary to establish a strong and definitive form of government for the unit. The format we used is from an old and proven reenacting unit known for its incredible portrayal AND governing structure. |
Q. | Why is the PLI "Light" Infantry? Isn't heavy infantry better? |
A. | Excellent question. In medieval times, light infantry were troops armed with a sword or pike, small shield, and no more armor than a lightweight chain mail shirt. Today, the concept is markedly different. Light Infantry was an idea fomented by the US Army in the 1980's when the concept of the Rapid Deployment Force (RDF) was conceived. The idea was to use a "Light" infantry division as a stop gap easily deployable unit that could hold out until the heavy armor could relieve them. Thus the "Light" infantry was called light because it was rapidly deployable (usually by air), not lightly armed. Indeed, light infantrymen were expected to be able to withstand attack by any type of enemy unit. As such they were armed with a multitude of light weight mortars, pack howitzers, light artillery pieces, mines, grenades, and rocket launchers (sound familiar?). The result was a "heavy" weapons load that would enable them to face enemy armor and mechanized divisions for at least that amount of time necessary to deploy our armor and mechanized ("heavy" infantry) divisions.
The PLI Member is also expected to carry all those weapons necessary to meet all the challenges he or she may face on the field. The "Light" Infantry means we walk, as opposed to "Heavy" Mechanized Infantry. They get to ride. For more information see the article "Why we are Light Infantry" in the PLI articles section of the homepage. |
Q. | Do we have to use Advantage Camouflage? |
A. | NO, NO, NO. The PLI only RECOMMENDS the use of Advantage type camouflage because it works well at close range and keeps the PLI from looking like and being mistaken for the real military. At this time NO mandatory uniform is required by the unit. That decision would ultimately rest in the hands of the BCC. We do ask that you where the PLI patch on your left sleeve and the appropriate PLI Tier and either the Paintball Warrior Patch or you home team patch on the right sleeve. |
Q. | Isn't MilSim dangerous to paintball? |
A. | The truth is, beyond the name there is as little resemblance between the PLI members and real soldiers as there is between regular paintballers and soldiers. The unit is run democratically by the Brigade Captains' Council (BCC). The Executive Coordinator (EC) is the voice of the unit, but cannot even hold a field command during his term of office (this is why we chose to call the position "executive coordinator" instead of Colonel or General.) The ultimate power rests in the BCC. The EC does not even have a vote on the BCC and cannot be his teams BCC representative, that position must be held by another member of the EC's team. |
Q. | How is the EC chosen? Is it a dictatorship that never changes? |
A. | The EC changes every six months based on a rotation of the member units (this rotation is based on the date of the member units' entry into the PLI). The EC position is assigned to the next unit in rotation. That unit then appoints or elects at their discretion a member to serve as the EC (the PLI does not interfere in individual units' governments). |
Q. | How are Battalion Captains' Council Representatives Chosen? Can they hold rank at events? |
A. | They are chosen by their member teams to serve as long as the team desires. They lose no membership privileges (unlike the EC) and can lead field events, and serve as staff members to the EC. They speak for their team at all official unit meetings and cast the votes. |
Q. | Why doesn't the PLI accept sponsors? |
A. | The PLI doesn't accept direct sponsorships because we feel that decisions made by the BCC and EC should reflect those best FOR THE UNIT and not for a sponsor. Some businesses serve as Detachment Headquarters because they support the PLI in spirit and want to help it grow, but they are not "sponsors" and do not contribute funds to the unit for advertising purposes. Other companies offer discounts to members, again this is to support the unit and get them some business. We feel that the heavy sponsorships offered by some suppliers are what turned tournament paintball into the aggressive, cheat filled overshoot that much of it is today. To play for a trophy should be (and in many local tournaments is) enough. (This doesn't mean all tournaments are bad. All paintball is good, some is just better than others). The PLI has enough members to order items in bulk at lower cost to save members some money. |
Q. | Does the PLI have tanks and APCs? |
A. | Not at this time, none have joined. We do have some basic operating/cooperating plans in FM 1-1 which basically cover safety and define Armor/Mech units. If you have a Paintball Armored Vehicle and would like to join, contact PLI HQ. |
Q. | I'm a member, and I see us getting called names and stuff on forums by people, can I respond? |
A. | Only the EC speaks for the entire unit. As a member we encourage you to display your views BUT, we must "turn the other cheek". Do not use foul language or resort to the name calling that often occurs on online forums. Egregious attacks should be reported to PLI HQ so the EC can officially answer the charge. For example, the PLI was referred to as a bunch of Fascists on a major board. A member reported this to the EC who responded by answering the accusations made (whoever posted it did not read much before making gross misstatements about the structure and purpose of the unit) and demanded an apology for being likened to Fascists (re: Nazi's). Every bit of information we could think of is on the homepage, at last look about 24 MEG worth. Encourage the detractors to study the stuff, but know it yourself so you can respond AND ALWAYS REMAIN PROFESSIONAL IN YOUR DEALING WITH DETRACTORS. They are free to express their opinions, and all press is good press. The PLI has a policy of answering all questions as truthfully as possible. |