Chapter 12. School of the Battalion

Chapter 12. School of the Battalion

Command of the Paintball Battalion

The field command of the PLI is the ultimate in responsibility, leadership, planning, and execution. This position requires total knowledge of the PLI manuals, FM 7-20 (US Army Battalion Operations), and at least five years experience in paintball. The PLI rotation system will allow nearly everyone the opportunity to serve as the Battalion Commander.
The commander’s job is huge. He must plan the mission, select the units, coordinate the PLI, and get the job done. The Commander of the PLI is allowed to select his own staff from the Battalion Council to assist him in running the Battalion instead of relying on the command matrix as is done with company command. This is intentionally designed to allow an inexperienced commander (which we have all been before) to select experienced people to assist him.
The job of coordinating the actions of two to four hundred paintballers will be an experience unlike any other. Few have ever had the privilege. The PLI is the First Paintball organization founded to democratically allow average paintballers the opportunity to lead at all levels. This is part of the founding philosophy of the PLI: “The PLI is not an opportunity for the few to lead the many” but rather an opportunity for the many to command the many.
Command at the battalion level becomes a much more impersonal experience. It moves from battlefield command to a more theoretical experience. As such, it is not dealt with largely in this manual. For specific information on Battalion operations, see FM 7-20 US Army Battalion Operations.

"There are no bad regiments; there are only bad colonels."
The Role of the Paintball Light Infantry Battalion
The infantry battalion serves many roles on the paintball battlefield. It engages most often in close battles and may conduct raids or stay-behind operations as part of deep operations. The battalion may participate in rear battle as part of a tactical combat force. Limited visibility is the basis for infantry battalion operations. It is the environmental condition that the US military seeks to take advantage of its technology and training. Darkness, fog, heavy rain, and falling snow all limit visibility. A combination of technical ability (afforded by NVDs) and tactical prowess (afforded by training) allows the PLI to operate routinely during these conditions. Limited visibility operations strike the defender when the range of his weapons and the mutual support between his positions are reduced.
The Paintball Warrior Battle Doctrine
Paintball infantry forces can operate effectively in low-intensity, mid-intensity, or high-intensity conflict and in most terrain and weather conditions.
a. Infantry may dominate in low-intensity conflicts due to its rapid strategic deployability and its ability to meet the enemy on equal terms.
b. Mid-intensity to high-intensity conflicts may be chaotic, intense, and destructive. Such operations rarely maintain a linear character. The speed with which forces can concentrate and the high volumes of supporting fires they can bring to bear make the mixing of opposing forces almost inevitable.
c. The Paintball Warrior Battle is the doctrinal basis for meeting these challenges. It involves maneuver at all levels and tries to use the full potential of paintball weaponry. It is offensively oriented so commanders may go to the offense as soon as possible. No matter what level the conflict, the side that keeps the initiative through offensive action forces the other side to react rather than to act. The thrust of Paintball Warrior Battle doctrine is to disrupt the enemy's synchronization, preventing him from applying combat power at a decisive point; and to create opportunities for PLI to be victorious.

Fundamentals of the Paintball Warrior Battle Doctrine
FM 1-1 states that success on the modern battlefield depends on commanders at all levels understanding and implementing the basic tenets of the Paintball Warrior Battle doctrine: initiative, depth, agility, synchronization, technology, and weaponry.
a. Initiative. This is the ability to set or change the terms of battle through action. It requires commanders to maintain an offensive spirit. It means that, when an opportunity presents itself, the commanders may depart from planned actions to hasten mission accomPLIshment. To do this without jeopardizing the higher plan requires that the commander understand and work within the intent of the commander two levels up. This imPLIes a degree of independence and risk. Commanders translate their initiative into action by issuing mission-type orders. These orders in turn give subordinate commanders the flexibility, within the scope of their commander's intent, to improvise and act aggressively to accomPLIsh assigned missions and defeat the enemy. In addition to understanding the scope of their commander's intent, each leader must understand his unit's part in the commander's concept (as the main or a supporting effort), so that he may confidently and boldly exploit success.
b. Depth. This is measured in time, distance, and resources. At battalion level, depth is achieved by positioning forces to deny the enemy the ability to maintain mass, momentum, and mutual support. The battlefield is no longer a one-dimensional or two-dimensional entity. The commander must understand how he and the enemy fit into the higher commander's deep, close, and rear battles. When possible, reserves are employed. This gives depth to the battalion and provides the commander with a form to counterattack and completely destroy the enemy.
c. Agility. This is the ability to think and act faster than the enemy. It involves mental, command and control, and organizational abilities to adjust rapidly and to use the situation, terrain, and weather to defeat the enemy. The plan must be simple, yet flexible enough that the commander can react when an opportunity presents itself.
(1) Mobility, flexibility of task organization, timely intelligence, and rapid decision-making enable the commander to cause the enemy to react, which sets the terms of the battle. At the battalion level, these terms are often simPLIfied by positioning the command group well forward so they can see the battlefield, recognize opportunities, and rapidly seize the initiative. The commander and his subordinates rely on IPB, a sound R& S plan, and accurate reports to quickly understand enemy intentions.
(2) Reaction time is reduced by rehearsing SOPs and drills, by choosing sound initial positions for dismounted units that simPLIfy their ability to maneuver. Assets from CS and CSS are positioned to sustain the main effort and to provide flexibility to the plan. Complexity reduces agility.
d. Synchronization. This is the arrangement of battlefield activities in time, space, and purpose to produce the greatest possible relative combat power at the decisive point. Synchronization is both a process and a result.
(1) Synchronization extends from planning the maneuver to integrating CS and CSS assets to ensure mission accomPLIshment.
(2) Leaders at all levels must understand friendly and enemy capabilities. They must know how to relate these capabilities to time and space to produce synchronized plans that satisfy the commander's intent.
(3) Synchronization begins in the mind of the commander with his concept of operations. The concept must clearly focus the main effort at a decisive point and must clearly designate the effects (tasks and purposes) of the subordinates. Understanding and using a common doctrine and military language enhances synchronization.
(4) The commander creates synchronization by developing, issuing, and rehearsing clear, succinct orders supplemented by well-established SOPs. Using SOPs enables the commander to rapidly employ assets and to seize tactical opportunities without lengthy explanations and orders.
e. Technology. PLI forces strive to use technology to its advantage by standardizing the equipment purchased by its members.
f. Weaponry. The PLI uses all matter of paintball weapons. This includes those commonly called alternative or milsim paintball weapon. It includes compressed air cannons, mortars, grenades, mines, armor, and air support.

Combat Power

Combat power is the ability to fight. It is relative, not absolute, because it has meaning only as compared to the combat power the enemy can generate. Combat power includes the numbers of weapons systems and soldiers; the unit's state of training, cohesion, disciPLIne, and morale; and the leader's and soldiers' tenacity, competence, and boldness. It measures the effect created by combining maneuver, firepower, protection, and leadership in combat actions against an enemy. Friendly combat power is relative to that of enemy forces committed at the point of decision; therefore, any actions taken to degrade enemy firepower, protection, maneuver, and leadership increase friendly relative combat power.
a. Maneuver. This is the movement of forces, relative to the enemy, to secure or retain a positional advantage. Combat units must maneuver to win. Unit commanders boldly maneuver their forces at the critical times and places to attack enemy weaknesses, gain favorable positioning, and exploit success. The effects of maneuver may also be achieved without movement of friendly forces by allowing the enemy to move into a bad position such as into an ambush or a stay-behind operation.
b. Firepower. This is the intelligent use of direct and indirect fires (FA, mortars, and CAS), as well as other combat multiPLIers (ADA, EW, AHs, and engineers) to support the scheme of maneuver. Firepower provides the destructive force vital to realizing the effects of maneuver. To be effective, firepower must be distributed and controlled at the critical time and place. Soldiers should be committed only when firepower alone is insufficient to accomPLIsh the mission.
c. Protection. This is preserving the unit's fighting potential so it can be apPLIed at the decisive time and place. Protection has two components. The first includes all actions taken to make the friendly unit hard to find or destroy. These actions include security, camouflage, deception, suppression, and mobility. The second component includes all actions taken to keep soldiers healthy and maintain their fighting morale, and to diminish the impact of severe weather. Safety is a key element of protection. Leaders must instill an awareness of individual safety in all subordinate leaders and soldiers. Soldiers must be constantly alert for and avoid situations that may result in injury or death. Also, leaders must verify the soundness of all tactical operations to prevent fratricide. This includes using appropriate control measures, conducting rehearsals, and ensuring soldiers understand the rules of engagement.
d. Leadership. This is the component on which all others depend. The main purpose of leadership in battle is to inspire and motivate soldiers to perform difficult tasks under trying circumstances. Before the battle, only capability or combat potential exists. However, a skillful leader, using the right combination of maneuver, firepower, and protection within a sound operational plan, can turn combat potential into real combat power. Confident, competent leaders are needed at all levels to train, disciPLIne, and motivate units to achieve superior combat power. Leaders must set the example in all areas. In battle, they must lead their units from the front.
The fundamental combat mission of the infantry battalion, regardless of the type of battalion, is to close with the enemy by means of fire and maneuver to destroy or capture him or to repel his assaults by fire, close combat, and counterattack. To accomPLIsh specific missions and conduct sustained operations, the battalion is normally augmented by additional combat, CS, and CSS assets.

Operating Systems
Battalion functions are grouped into seven battlefield operating systems (BOSs). These systems must be integrated to support the commander's concept of the operation. The functioning of each operating system requires all elements of the battalion to coordinate their efforts. Each battle staff officer (for example, the FSO, signal officer, and engineer officer) must ensure that his area of responsibility is integrated into the overall battalion plan. The commander and staff integrate these BOSs into a combined arms force tailored to the situation. BOSs should be used as a planning tool, not as a framework for execution or issuing orders.

Intelligence Systems
All units must report information obtained in the normal course of operations. The battalion's few dedicated, organic information-gathering assets include the scout platoon, infantry patrols, and PEWS. The artillery FSE may also contribute by passing targeting information to the S2. IPW teams, GSR, LLVI, CI team, and REMS teams may support the battalion from the divisional MI battalion. The maneuver battalion must obtain other timely intelligence from brigade. The S2 is responsible for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating information about the enemy and the area of interest. The S2 also prepares the collection plan designed to support the staff-developed decision-support template.

Maneuver System
The combat elements of the battalion provide the means to destroy enemy forces, seize and retain terrain, and secure other forces. All other assets support the maneuver elements.
a. The rifle company is the basic maneuver element of the battalion. It can close with and destroy enemy infantry. When properly employed, it can defeat enemy armored vehicles from close ranges. Organic TOW systems provide the battalion with a long-range antiarmor capability. The infantry is most effective when visibility, observation, and fields of fire are limited; and when it must fight in close combat.
b. Tanks (when supporting) are most effective where they can move fast and provide rapid, accurate, direct fire. Thermal sights permit them to fight during limited visibility almost as well as in good visibility.
c. Helicopters, when combined with infantry to form an air assault task force, are a valuable maneuver asset. Aviation units are normally under OPCON of the brigade. Attack helicopters may also maneuver against the enemy and are most effective against enemy armored formations.

Fire Support
The commander may receive fire support beyond organic mortars at some events. In the event indirect fire is available, battalions have FSEs and FISTs attached from the direct-support indirect fire unit. The FSO helps the commander plan and coordinate fire support assets.

Infantry units should be trained and prepared to execute mobility/countermobility/survivability missions with or without engineer support. Combat engineers may augment the battalion, providing expertise, equipment, and limited manpower. The senior engineer unit leader advises the battalion commander on employing his engineer assets. With or without augmentation, the battalion constructs obstacles, emplaces and clears minefield, prepares demolitions, improves roads, provides bridging, and digs fighting positions.

Command and Control System
Command is a personalized function in which the commander controls the battlefield interaction of his units and weapons. The battalion commander controls by being on the battlefield where he can see, feel, and command the battle. He fights forward and issues orders as needed, orally and face-to-face when possible. His subordinate commanders and soldiers must know he is on the battlefield. He must be proficient and confident, and must lead by example. This is possible when he gives subordinate leaders mission-type orders and allows them--within the scope of his intent--to exercise initiative. The efforts of the battalion must be synchronized.

Battalion Command and Control Positions and Responsibilities
The commander establishes a standard command and control system by defining the functions of key people, organizations, and facilities. His link to the battle is most efficient if only key people have access to him. These people in turn control the rest of the command, and normally include the second in command, the operations officer, the FSO, and the subordinate unit or element commanders.
The commander commands and controls subordinate combat, CS, and CSS elements that are organic or attached to his unit or that are under its OPCON. The commander's main concerns are completing his mission and ensuring the welfare of his soldiers.
a. The commander cannot win the battle alone. He must--
(1) Rely on his staff and subordinate commanders for advice and aid in planning and supervising operations.
(2) Understand their limits and capabilities.
(3) Train them to execute his concept in his absence.
(4) Institute cross-training among the staff so the unit can operate with combat losses or fatigue in the staff elements.
b. The staff reduces the demands on the commander's time and aids him by providing information; estimating; recommending; preparing plans and orders; and supervising the execution of orders issued by, or in the name of, the commander. To ensure conflicts do not arise, the commander assigns responsibility for specific functions to unit staff officers. Though they must be responsive to command prerogative, the staff must have the authority to be responsive to subordinate unit commanders, and to say "yes" to requests from them.

Executive Officer
The XO is second in command and the battalion commander's main assistant. As the second in charge, he must be prepared to assume the duties of the commander.
a. The XO, as the coordinator of the battalion staff, establishes staff operating procedures. He ensures the commander and staff are informed on matters affecting the command. To coordinate and synchronize the plan, the XO assembles and supervises the staff during the decision-making process. He establishes the required liaison. Unless instructed otherwise by the commander, all staff officers inform the XO of any recommendations or information they give directly to the commander or any instructions they receive directly from the commander. When required, he represents the commander, supervises the main CP and its operations, and provides for battalion logistical support.
b. The XO, as the second in command, transmits the commander's decision to staff sections and, in the name of the commander, to subordinate units as needed. The XO keeps abreast of the situation and future plans and represents the commander during the commander's absence, directing action IAW established policy. He is considered a combat leader and is prepared to assume command at any time. During combat, he supports the commander by anticipating problems and synchronizing operations at the main CP. Although the XO normally stays in the CP during combat, he must be ready to move if he is required at another location.
c. All information flows through the TOC and the XO except when circumstances require otherwise. The exception occurs during fast-paced operations when vital information flows via orders and reports between the command group and the key maneuver elements. In this situation, the XO is a key leader in the TOC, sometimes checking attachments--for example, monitoring the nets and progress of supporting units--monitoring the overall battle, ensuring reports are rendered as necessary, supervising planning of future operations, and providing the commander with situational assessments as needed.
d. The XO assumes responsibility for the diverse elements operating in the TOC during the battle. Those elements receive and analyze information from a wide variety of sources. The XO analyzes all of this for information that might be immediately useful to the commander. The commander uses the XO's analysis along with the steady flow of information coming from his subordinate commanders and the advice of the operations officer.

Battalion Sergeant Major
The CSM is the senior NCO in the unit. He acts in the name of the commander when dealing with other NCOs in the unit and advises the commander concerning the enlisted ranks. Though he is not an administrator, he must understand the administrative, logistical, and operational functions of the unit to which he is assigned. Since he is normally the most experienced soldier in the unit, his attention should be focused on operations and training and on how well the commander's decisions and policies are being carried out. He is the senior enlisted trainer in the organization. He works closely with company commanders when reaching and training first sergeants and platoon sergeants. He maintains close contact with subordinate and attached unit NCOs. The CSM must be tactically and technically proficient in combat operations at battalion, company, platoon, and squad levels. The CSM should act as the commander's representative in supervising aspects vital to an operation, as determined by the commander and by himself. For example, he can help control movement through a breach in a critical obstacle or at a river crossing, or, he can help coordinate a passage of lines. The CSM can lead the quartering party during a major movement. He can also help in the CSS effort during the battle; he can perform tasks such as monitoring casualty evacuation.
Coordinating Staff Officers
Coordinating staff officers aid the commander by coordinating the plans, activities, and operations of the command. Collectively, they have responsibility for the commander's entire field of responsibilities, except in areas that the commander decides to control personally or in those that are reserved by law or regulation for specific staff officers. Coordinating staff officers are responsible directly to the XO. At battalion level, the coordinating staff includes the S1, S2, S3, and S4. Some battalions might be authorized an S5 to aid in civil-military cooperation.
a. S1 (Adjutant). The S1 has the responsibility for all personnel matters. The S1--
(1) Maintains unit strength and personnel service support.
(2) Supervises medical, legal, safety, and civil affairs (including civilian labor) assets.
(3) Monitors public affairs.
(4) Coordinates religious support with the battalion UMT.
(5) Operates from the combat trains with the S4. The S1 also shares supervisory responsibility for logistical operations with the S4. They must cross train to be able to conduct continuous operations.
(6) Moves around as necessary to accomPLIsh his mission.
(7) Is responsible for--
· Replacement policies and requirements.
· Unit strength and loss estimation.
· Morale support.
· Battalion administration.
· Administrative support of EPWs and civilian internees.
· Staff supervision of casualty evacuation.
b. S2 (Intelligence Officer). The S2 is responsible for intelligence. The S2's role in target analysis and his important linkage with the S3 and FSO is vital to mission accomPLIshment. The S2--
(1) Performs the IPB with the commander and S3 using higher collection sources, ground and aerial reconnaissance, observation posts, GSR, target acquisition, and electronic warfare assets.
(2) Prepares and disseminates intelligence estimates.
(3) Aids the commander with the PIR and generates other IR.
(4) Obtains and disseminates weather information.
(5) Supervises counterintelligence efforts, intelligence training, map procurement/distribution, and storage and control of classified information.
(6) Remains at the main CP where he has the communications assets to plan, prepare, and supervise reconnaissance and surveillance activities (in coordination with the S3) and to update the intelligence estimate.
(7) Maintains the enemy SITMAP, and evaluates and interprets enemy information.
(8) Plans all battalion patrols, intelligence collection, reconnaissance, and surveillance.
(9) Supervises the activities of GSR when attached.
(10) Informs the XO about the enemy situation.
(11) Works closely with the FSO and assistant S3 to ensure information is passed between staff sections.
(12) Supervises the tactical intelligence officer, who is part of the two-man BICC. The BICC manages the collection, processing, and dissemination of battalion intelligence for the S2. It develops and initiates the reconnaissance and surveillance plan, identifies IR, and notifies the brigade S2 of information that cannot be collected by the battalion's assets.
c. S3 (Operations and Training Officer). The S3, as the operations officer, is the commander's main assistant in coordinating and planning the battle. The S3--
(1) Monitors the battle, ensures that CS assets are provided when and where required, and anticipates developing situations.
(2) Advises the commander on combat, CS, and operational matters; organization; and training.
(3) Prepares the operations estimate. When the XO is absent, the S3 coordinates and synchronizes the battle plan and supervises the staff during the decision-making process.
(4) Plans and coordinates with other staff sections. This results in published OPORDs, OPLANs, and training programs.
(5) Is responsible (with the aid of other staff officers) for integrating the following operations into the tactical plan:
· Psychological operations.
· Electronic warfare.
· Jamming/ECM operations.
· Operations security.
· Counterreconnaissance.
· Deception.
· Tactical troop movements.
(6) Establishes priorities for communications to support tactical operations.
(7) Coordinates with the XO and battalion signal officer on the location of the main CP.
(8) Coordinates the activities of the S2, the FSO, the FAC and, if supporting, the engineer and ADO, to ensure their plans support the commander's concept.
(9) Supervises the chemical and signal officers and the assistant S3/S3 air.
(10) Coordinates closely with the S4 to ensure tactical plans are logistically supportable.
(11) Trains and provides an S3 cell to control and operate forward with the command group when required.
(12) Remains with the commander during the fight, if the commander directs.
(13) Provides the commander with information that has an immediate impact on the battle. To provide such information, he follows the same process outlined for the XO. The S3 and XO complement each other by providing the commander with continuous vital information.
(14) Considers information that affects the area of operations, which complements the XO's focus on the unit's area of interest.
(15) Works directly with elements of the command group to receive information; and to analyze, integrate, and convey his assessment to the commander.
(16) Is aided by the S3 air, who is at the main CP. The S3 air coordinates the employment of CAS with the FSO and the TACP, as well as with the air defense section leader. The S3 air assumes the S3's duties when the S3 is absent. The S3 Air supervises the A2C2 element, which consists of representatives of the fire support and defense elements and of the tactical air control party.
d. S4 (Logistics Officer). The S4 has the main staff responsibility to determine CSS requirements and priorities.
(1) The S4--
(a) Designates lines of movement and locations of CSS elements.
(b) Prepares and develops CSS plans in concert with the current tactical plan and anticipates future logistical needs.
(c) Is responsible for the preparation and distribution of CSS support plans and orders when they are published separately.
(d) Establishes the requirements for civilian labor and the collection and disposal of excess property, salvage, and captured material.
(e) IS OIC of the combat trains and is collocated with the S1.
(f) Monitors closely the tactical situation to begin resupply as soon as possible.
(g) Pushes ammunition, food, fuel, and other supPLIes forward when a lull in the battle occurs.
(h) Designates two or three soldiers from the section to aid him in running the combat trains.
(i) Supervises the support platoon leader, who is based in the field trains.
(2) The S4's section--
(a) Is responsible for the procurement, receipt, storage, and distribution of supPLIes.
(b) Is responsible for transportation of units, soldiers, and logistics items to their required locations.
(c) Is (except for elements in the combat trains) in the field trains under the supervision of the HHC supply sergeant. This element collocates with the PAC under command of the HHC commander and maintains communication with the S4 on the administrative/logistics net.

Special Staff
The special staff aids the commander in professional, technical, or other functional areas. Leaders of elements supporting the battalion make up the special staff. These leaders can be officers or NCOs.
a. Headquarters Security Company/Element Commander. The HSC/E Commander is responsible for establishing security for the PLI HQ. The HSC is responsible for access to and from the HQ and for supplying appropriate security for command staff personnel
b. Fire Support Officer. The FSO tries to locate near the commander, but must locate where he can communicate best. The integration of fire support into the maneuver operation is a decisive factor in the success of battle. The FSO is responsible--
(1) For advising the commander on the best available fire support resources.
(2) For developing the fire support plan.
(3) For issuing the necessary orders in the name of the commander.
(4) For implementing the approved fire support plan.
This position is only established in the event indirect artillery or air assets will be available to the PLI.
c. Special Operations Leader. The SO platoon leader advises the commander and the S2 on the employment and capabilities of the SO platoon. He is responsible for conducting tactical reconnaissance in support of the battalion. This position is only established whenever a SO company is formed by order of the event/field commander.
d. Battalion Mortar Platoon Leader. The battalion mortar platoon leader advises the battalion commander and the FSO on the tactical employment of the battalion mortar platoon. He can help the FSO fulfill his FSCOORD responsibilities. The mortar platoon's headquarters can also serve as an alternate CP. This position is only established if a battalion mortar platoon is active. Individual mortar squads assigned to a PLI company are assigned to their individual companies and are not specifically assigned to the HQ.
e. Chaplain. The chaplain works closely with the S1. He is a special/personal staff officer with access to the commander. He advises the commander on the religious welfare, morals, and morale of the unit, as well as about local religions. The chaplain and his assistant form the UMT section. They provide comprehensive religious support to soldiers on the battlefield. The religious support mission includes performing/providing sacraments, rites, ordinances, and worship services; pastoral care and counseling; and memorial services. This position is only available at the request of the Event/Field Commander.

“General Longtreet, well Sir, of the thirteen colonels in Pickett’s command,
seven are dead, six are wounded.”
Major Walter Taylor, July 4, 1861