FM1-1 Preface

A persons first game of paintball is usually like nothing a person has participated in before. The initial plan, complete confusion, and being under fire for what is the first time for most combine to give a “newbie” an experience they will never forget. Chances are they will never face any other situation that so resembles combat.
As they gain experience, they will improve. They will learn that the sting of the paintball is a small penalty for victory. Their personal skill will improve dramatically as they learn the tough lessons that cost combat soldiers their lives. Inevitably most players will find themselves a team to play and compete with. After a few tournaments, some will realize that tournaments do not satisfy their desire for something more. It seems to be politically incorrect to come out and say that paintball is playing war, but that is the fantasy that many players look to enjoy. The advent of the big game finally gives those of us dissatisfied with tournaments the opportunity to play war and enjoy fully the fantasy of paintball. If there are those that believe we are crazy, they should first speak to the two hundred thousand Civil War Reenactors in the United States today.
A players first big game is often accompanied by an epiphany that goes something like “this is what I wanted!” After the initial game, these players will want more. They will take their friends and form a squad. This improves their experience, but some still want more. Paintball big games are tied down by the five or ten man tournament teams that exist today. Often these teams are well organized amongst themselves, but lack sufficient firepower or manpower to properly assault large objectives or large groups of soldiers. The formation of the First Paintball Light Infantry Battalion is an attempt to standardize the way these five and ten man teams communicate, think, and act to further the paintball experience for all.
There are those who have said that “paintball is just for fun, some self styled general who tries to tell me what to do when I play just ticks me off!” If you are one of these people, you have picked the wrong organization to join. While leaders in the unit are encouraged to use their men’s personal skills, orders are issued for a reason not always apparent to the individual player. It is imperative to follow these orders. The 1st PLI is by design a military organization with a structured chain of command. Players who do not want to experience the fantasy of belonging to the 1st PLI are encouraged not to join.
The 1st PLI was formed to give everyone the opportunity to lead, not to allow a few to enjoy the privileges of command. As anyone who has lead at a large event will tell you, it is much more fun to be a grunt than to be in charge. As such the issue of leadership is addressed in the by-laws of the unit (appendix E).
The procedures, tactics and information contained in this manual come from the combat guides of many of the world’s elite units. They have been analyzed and adapted specifically for paintball. In some cases they were simply adopted with few changes, in others they required a nearly complete rewrite. These lessons will make you a better player, a better leader, and ultimately improve your paintball experience.
Paintball is not and never will be combat, it is a simulation that everyone walks away from. It is not the intent of the 1st PLI to minimize the sacrifices of those that have fought and died for our nation by “playing” war. It is probably an effort for those of us who haven’t been blooded in jungles or beaches to understand why combat is described as the most terrifying, yet intense experience of those who fought. The paintball world has chosen to try to distance itself from looking, acting, or talking like the military to try to keep paintball guns from being banned. This has distanced many would be players from the sport. This is not the policy of the 1st PLI. We recognize that the fantasy exists for a reason and do all we can to continue and enhance that experience.
You have joined the 1st PLI to be a part of the newest paintball trend. Welcome to a larger world of paintball. See you on the field.

Arthur W. Myers III

“Wars are not won by the most competent army.
They are won by the least incompetent one”
General George S. Patton Jr.