Units, Rights, and Responsibilities
Information for Prospective Members of the PLI
- Individuals:
- May join the unit at $5 registration fee which INCLUDES the PLI Patch.
- May add team members later as they recruit. Each team member must register and pay $5 to join.
- Do not receive a vote on the BCC until they register at least five members (a "team").
- May serve as "Acting" Detachment Commanders within their geographic region.
- "Acting" Status may be upgraded at the EC's discretion once recruiting has begun.
- To join an existing detachment, contact the detachment commander with your contact information. Then mail or email your membership form and fee to PLI HQ. PLI HQ will notify your Detcom that you have registered.
- To start a new Detachment, contact PLI HQ, email or mail your registration. Each member should fill out a membership form. Send form and fee to PLI HQ. The Detachment does not officially exist until the registration is recieved.
- Five Man or Small Teams:
- May join the unit with all rights and privileges as defined in the by-laws for $25 registration fee which includes 5 "splatted one" patches.
- May add or delete members as necessary, but must maintain at least five members to retain BCC seat and vote.
- Enter the National Event Command Rotation
- Team Captain or rep may serve as "Acting" Detachment Commanders within their geographic region.
- "Acting" status may be upgraded at the EC's discretion once recruiting has begun.
- Fifteen Man+ Big Teams or established RecBall Teams
- May join the unit with all rights and privileges as defined in the by -laws for $5 per man.
- May add or delete members as necessary.
- Enter the National Event Command Rotation.
- May be appointed Detachment Commanders based on the EC's discretion.
- recieve one vote per five members
Information on PLI Units
- Paintball Light Infantry(Headquarters)
- Coordinates the PLI, sponsors PLI National Level Events, Supports State and Local events, and serves as an information clearinghouse for all PLI members.
- Consists of the Organizational Command: Executive Coordinator, Clerk, Quartermaster, Treasurer and the Battalion Captain's Council.
- PLI Detachments
- Coordinates PLI State, Local, and Protocol events within their designated geographic area.
- Choose an appropriate Detachment Name and Motto. For Example:
3rd Texas Detachment, "The Wily Cowboys", PLI.
- May design a Detachment Homepage that links to PLI HQ and and individual teams in the detachment.
- May use PLI designs in advertisements/flyers/recruiting/event planning documents.
- May design a Detachment Flag to be flown alongside the PLI Flag at State and Local PLI Events.
- May design a Detachment T-Shirt (or several) via the PLI/Cafe Press Contract.
- May Sponsor State, Local, or Protocol PLI Events.
- Serve as the recruiters for the PLI in their area.
- Detachments receive no vote or seat on BCC. Individual teams in detachment maintain their seat on BCC and vote. Detachments are not intended to be a single large team, but a group of PLI member teams.
- PLI Member Units (5 man+ Teams)
- Receive all rights and privileges as defined in the By Laws.
- Get one vote per five effective members.
- Get one seat on the BCC (one BCC rep can cast more than one vote).
- May use team Guidon at PLI events.
- May Sponsor State. Local, or Protocol events.
- May join detachments with no loss of vote or BCC privilege
- Enter the Organizational Command Rotation AND the National Event Command Rotation.
- PLI Individuals (and teams with less than 5 effective members)
- May join the PLI for $5 registration fee, but receive no BCC seat or vote until upgraded to 5 man team.
- Do not enter the Organizational Command or Event command rotation until upgraded to 5 man team.
- Cannot hold field rank (at major PLI Hosted national events) unless they are "falling in" to the rotation through another PLI team.
- These restrictions are not intended to be punitive, but to encourage growth to 5 man or better teams.