The PLI Detachment
The PLI has recognized that numerous small to medium (and some large) teams have established reputations in the RecBall world of paintball. It is not the intention of the PLI to supplant these teams identity, it is to allow them to grow. The Detachment as defined below can adopt its own name and traditions and still be part of the PLI. Questions about forming a detachment may be forwarded to the EC by emailing PLI HQ.
These two General Orders deal with the PLI Detachment.
General Order 21
1. To assist in unit coordination, the Detachment is formed.
2. A Detachment shall be defined as those PLI member units in a particular geographic area (typically a state or major metropolitan center).
3. There may be more than one Detachment within a State if approved and deemed necessary by the EC.
4. The BCC Representatives from the geographic region represented will vote on the commander of their respective detachments.
5. The Detachment Commanders duties are further explained in General Order 22.
6. Detachment may adopt unit nicknames (in good taste) based on their geographic area. The EC may not allow certain names considered in poor taste. They may adopt unit guidons based on these nicknames and use them to represent them to the public. They must maintain their PLI Designation (1st Texas Detachment, 1st PLI)For Example:
a. Miami Detachment "The Beach Bums" 1st PLI
b. 1st Texas Detachment "Lone Star Paintballers" 1st PLI
c. 1st New York Detachment "Bad Boys" 1st PLI
(These names are used as examples only and are not currently in use by these units.)
7. This is to establish individual identities for PLI units to enhance cohesion, and add to esprit de corps for the entire unit.
By order of the Executive Coordinator
General Order 22
1. To assist in the recruiting of new teams throughout the United States, the position of Detachment Commander/Liaison is established.
2. The Detachment Commander/Liaison (DC) is elected by a majority vote of the BCC Representatives of the units represented. In most cases this will be a state. In states with major metropolitan centers, additional DC's may be appointed at the EC's discretion.
3. The DC exists to assist the EC in planning national events located within the DC's Area of Responsibility, recruit new teams into the PLI, and to assist local PLI units in planning state level PLI events, and PLI Protocol Events.
4. The DC has no official vote on the Battalion Captains' Council, nor do they hold a PLI Staff position as defined in the Unit By-Laws.
5. The DC may serve in any position at any PLI event and is not restricted from command of PLI field events.
6. The DC may or may not be a BCC representative.
7. DC's shall receive no salary and are considered volunteers.
8. The EC shall be responsible for further defining duties of the DC as they become apparent.
By Order of The Executive Coordinator