Interested in hosting or sponsoring a PLI Event? Contact the PLI HQ for more information. Our players participate in Big Games, Scenario Games, Rec Ball games, and even the occasional tournament (when there is no big game to attend!).
Year, Dates, Event Title, Event Location, Sponsoring Unit, Event Type
August 3-5, 2001. Command and Conquer, Norway. 2nd PLI National Protocol Event.
2001- June 23-24, TBA, Banana Wars II, 1st PLI National Event
2001- April 28-29, Triggertyme Paintball, Columbia SC, 1st SC: Protocol Event
2001- April 7th, 2001 West Point, NY, West Point Combat Classic XIV 8hr Big game
*2001- March 10, Operation:Barbarosa, Skirmish PA, 1st. NY, Protocol Event
*2001- March 10-11, Legends: Forty Thieves, Madison, GA, 2nd. GA, Protocol Event
2001 - February 24, Winter Game 2001, Finnskogen Norway, Norwegian PLI, Protocol Event
2001- January 6, Recruiting Event, Texas, 3rd TX: Protocol Event
2000- December 1-3 Battle for Earth, Ocala FL, 1st GA: Protocol Event
2000- October 17, 2000 SWAT II (Classified), 1st SC: LEO Training
2000- September 30-31 2000 Scenario Game, Sandejford, Norway, 1st Norway: Protocol Event
2000- September 16-17 2000 Panic in the Streets, Ocala FL, 1st SC: Protocol Event
2000- July 6, 2000 Ratification Meeting: Meeting
2000- June 23-24 2000 Texas Revolution IV, 1st/2nd TX: Protocol
2000- May, 2000 Ice Station Zero, 1st NY: Protocol
2000- Feb, 2000 SWAT Trng (Classified) 1st SC: LEO Training
* Next Scheduled Event
Event Type is the way the PLI defines the event. For example, at a National Event, we will be falling in together as one unit, and will actively assist in sponsoring the event. Protocol events are usually sponsored by local detachments who wish to attend an event and participate and represent the PLI. The major difference is the way command is assigned. For a National Event, the rotation kicks in. For a protocol event, the team that plans it selects the commander. Exact definitions of PLI Event types can be found in the General Orders.