PLI Event Leadership Rotation
Section 1. PLI Event Command. The Event Commander for PLI events shall be determined by rotation of PLI teams with at least five effective members. The initial commanding team will be chosen annually by lottery conducted by the outgoing EC within seven days of July 1. Further commanding teams will be selected by ascending order of BCC seniority. New teams must be in the BCC rotation for a period of one year by June 31 of the year of the lottery to be allowed event command. Event command lotteries will be held every year to determine the first unit to command. All eligible units must command an event before any team is allowed to command a second event. Teams will chose who will serve as Event Commander. The Executive Coordinator is not eligible to command an event during his term. In the event there are more units than events in any one year period, a majority vote of the BCC can extend the lottery for up to twelve months to allow all teams that were in the lottery the chance to command. In the event the lottery is extended, teams that have joined since the lottery will not be added to the event command list until the new lottery is executed. A lottery must be held every two years.
Section 2. Other Events Field Command. Command rank will be limited by that which is appropriate for the number of men fielded and the event attended. If the PLI is to portray a Military Brigade, we will use the appropriate military ranks. If the PLI is falling in under another commander, or at an event where we are to represent a specific entity, we will use whatever ranking structure they designate or is appropriate to the event. If the PLI is to portray a mob, we will be a mob, if we are to be orcs, we will be orcs. The PLI will not force military command structure titles on events where it is not appropriate. We are not locked into any set military rank system. PLI tactics and procedures work equally well no matter the title given to our leaders. This is to help the PLI maintain the proper image in the field, and allow maximum flexibility.