February 28, 2001 meeting: EC Tommy DeMarzo calls meeting to order 9:05pm Barbarosa and Forty Thieves games discussed Operation Barbarosa on March 10 at Skirmish in PA will be attended by 1st. NY. Other local teams plan to attend and join forces with PLI members. (Team Contra, Keystone aintball Platoon, RTD, Knightmare Tango) Due to conflicting event package needs, 1st. NY and 1st. GA will share the package (1st. NY gets banner, 1st. GA gets flag) Meeting times for 1st/2nd PLI's will be roughly every 2 weeks. International meetings will be once every month or two. Discussed missing after action reports with teams who hosted events. 1st. GA Worked out meeting notification procedures with email and web site postings. C&C game in Norway is listed as an official PLI National Event. PLI stickers were discussed. We will look for affordable suppliers or print our own on available stock. Video footage of PLI events was discussed. Members have resources to make this possible. If you have footage, email the EC for additional info. Will post digital footage on web site. It was decided to have "Pre-game chat meetings" before events. Major PLI events will have scheduled meetings for team members to organize several days before the planned event. Meeting adjourned 9:50pm (?) open discussion
January 24, 2001 Meeting: EC Tommy DeMarzo calls meeting to order 9:05pm EST Detachments represented at this meeting: 1st Calgary, 1st. Washinton and 1st. NY. Guests include Wally Adcox, general of Skirmish 48hr. game in July and "Ben", promoting 24hr game in Pocatello, ID. Upcoming PLI protocol events are discussed. Additional games suggested to be added to list. Skimish 48 hr. game will become a PLI protocol event. Tentative hosting by 1st NY. Dicision to sPLIt online meeting times across continents has been put off until the next meeting(2nd PLI not present) Grenadier Corps is announced and has been created. Submit photos of eligible teams to the EC for posting on the Grenadier page. Tier postings were discussed. It was agreed that to protect member confidentiality, only first names will be included on detachment member postings unless otherwise permitted by the member through email to the EC. Initial member tier postings will be limited to tier 2 and above due to the size of the PLI and to cut down on administration. All paid members start off at tier one. Tiers 2 and above will be posted on the member tier page by the February 28 meeting. Meeting adjourned 9:50pm Open Discussion
January 10, 2001 Meeting: Current EC Rusty Myers calls meeting to order at 9pm EST EC announces that in accordance with the by laws of the PLI, the position of Executive Coordinator will rotate from the 1st SC to the 1st New York. Tom DeMarzo, Detcom of the 1st NY, Alternative Paintball, accepts nomination to EC for the 1st PLI. Old Business: Decision on date of 2nd PLI ratification was agreed to be left to acting EC of the 2nd PLI in Europe once the unit strength warrants ratification.. New Business: Upcoming games and events: MIB Motion to formalize the PLI's connection to the Command and Conquer
game in Norway.
PLI Big Game June 23-24 at Paintball City in Ohio announced. Scenario game March 10, 2001 at Skirmish in PA, Wayne Dollock Scenario, 1st NY to attend. Online Meeting times: Suggestion to make online chat meeting earlier for the benefit of European
Other New Business/official information: PLI web site updates/info/changes can be submitted to the new EC, Tom DeMarzo at EC@alternativepaintball.com PLI International will be the resource site for the other EC entities. Alternative Paintball (www.alternativepaintball.com) announces a 15% discount for registered PLI members, up from 10% last year. Suggestion to create a PLI Grenadier Corps. Overwhelming enthusiasm of members will prompt the creation of that site. Meeting Adjourned Informal Discussion