PLI Executive Coordinator / Leadership Rotation
Section 2. The Executive Coordinator (EC). The EC will be appointed descendingly based on the BCC seniority list. Terms to run from January 1 to June 30 and from July 1 to December 31. The Executive Coordinator (EC) is responsible for all unit communications and decisions during their term. The EC may appoint staff members from the BCC to assist in unit planning or staff members from his/her unit to assist in PLI matters with majority BCC approval. Event planning is the responsibility of the Event commander and staff. The EC may assist in this planning, but holds the primary responsibility of representing the Brigade. The EC serves as the Chairperson at all Brigade Council meetings and holds no vote and cannot serve as the Event Commander during his term of office. The team from which the EC is appointed must designate another team member to serve as their BCC Representative. This is intended to keep the EC from facing conflict of interest problems when running the unit. In the event an EC cannot fulfill the duties of his/her office, another may be appointed by the team responsible for the EC position to complete the term. In the event that team cannot appoint an effective member to serve or chooses not to appoint a new EC, the next team in seniority will assume the office and will be allowed to serve the remainder of that term and their assigned term.

Section 3. EC Staff. In the event the EC deems it necessary to have help in the clerical, supply management, and monetary duties associated with that position, he/she may appoint a Clerk, a Quartermaster, and a Treasurer to serve at the EC’s leisure with duties and responsibilities as assigned by the EC. These positions have no actual authority over any PLI member and exist solely to assist the EC in the day to day running of the unit. Persons holding these positions must be effective members and may come from any team, including the EC’s, in the PLI. It is only proper to recognize the burden of leadership placed upon the EC and plan for it accordingly. EC Staff members may serve on the BCC as their team representative. Only three staff members may be appointed without prior approval of the BCC.

Section 4. Membership Tiers. Members may old leadership position in the unit based on seniority, proven leadership ability, service to the unit, and thorough knowledge of the procedures and protocols of the PLI. Tier levels may be considered for field leadership positions. Tier levels and requirements will be established by General Order.

Current EC Rotation
Effective 07-06-2000

1. 1st SC
2. 1st FL
3. 1st NY
4. 1st TX
5. 1st GA
6. 1st PA
7. 1st Norway
8. 1st VA
9. 1st WA
10. 1st Calgary
11. 1st IN
12. 2nd NY
13. 1st WO
14. 1st CO
15. 3rd CA
16. 3rd NY

Note: Command rotation placement is based on the date of achieving vote status, not initial registration, thus it is entirely possible that the 3rd NC could have the EC Position before the 1st or second NC.

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