PLI Sponsorship Statement

It is the stated policy of the PLI not to accept direct sponsorships of the unit. This is because of the national level at which we operate (most stores are local in nature), and because we feel that sponsorships and the pursuit of them are what made tournament paintball such a mess today. Since what is good for the unit is not always what is good for the sponsor, we must respectfully decline any direct sponsorship. There are however several ways to support the PLI besides a direct conventional sponsorship.

Supporters: Are stores or fields who believe in the PLI Ideals. They will link to us and vice versa, and they offer individual members a percentage discount.

Event Sponsors: PLI events may be sponsored by stores or local fields in conjunction with the PLI. If you are interested in hosting or sponsoring a PLI event, contact PLI HQ.

If you believe in the PLI, send us your link for review, we would be happy to trade links with you!

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