PLI Member Tier System
PLI Member Tier System Version 4.0

The PLI member tier system is a way of recognizing members for their longevity, leadership ability, service to the organization, knowledge of PLI protocols, and fundamental ability to represent the organization.
Tiers are symbols of respect for what the member has accomPLIshed within the organization. They may be used to assign field leadership positions, but are intended to encourage members to want to progress within and represent the PLI by their actions and attitudes.
The PLI member tier shall be worn on the PLI Members Jacket. Tiers will be sewn onto the left sleeve (or optionally left and right) of the PLI Member’s jacket beginning 1” above the cuff of the sleeve of the jacket opposite the seam (on single seam jackets) or on the front seam (of double seam sleeves). Tiers will run at a 45 degree angle from the inside of the sleeve to the outside of the sleeve and will be placed so as to be completely visible from the side. Exact positioning will vary depending on the make of the member Jacket. See the example below. . Tiers are available from the PLI STORE. Each progressive tier shall be 1/8” above the previous tier.
All member tiers must be earned IN ORDER.

Member Tiers:
1st.Tier is awarded to new members. There is no requirement above membership and a dedication to learn, work, and play within the PLI Protocols.

2nd Tier is awarded by the new members’ team captain once the member has demonstrated a thorough knowledge of PLI protocols and procedures. Team Captains must have achieved second tier status before awarding it to their men.

3rd Tier is awarded by the PLI after a member has displayed their knowledge in the field at a PLI sponsored event on apPLIcation by the member’s BCC Representative.

4th Tier is awarded by an affirmative vote of the BCC after one year membership in the PLI. The 4th Tier is considered above and beyond general membership. To be awarded a fourth tier, the member must be nominated by his Team Captain, BCC Representative, or Detachment Liaison for not only knowledge of PLI Protocols, but for their Honor, Integrity, and their Representation of the PLI, and Paintball in general. On nomination, the BCC shall consider the apPLIcation of the member for no less than one week. During this time, members supporting the awarding of 4th Tier shall send testimonials attesting to the players’ character, ability, stewardship, and ambassadorship. A 2/3’s affirmative vote by the BCC will result in the awarding of the 4th Tier.

5th Tier is awarded for exceptional service to the Organization to include Organizational Leadership, Field Leadership, or meritorious service/actions in the field. Nominations may be made by anyone (even non-members) and will be considered by the BCC for no less than one week. 5th Tier is the PLI Pinnacle. Persons awarded the fifth tier who do not already have the fourth tier will be granted permission to wear both. A unanimous vote of the BCC is required to award the 5th Tier.

Special Tiers may be awarded to members for specific acts of service. These tiers will be worn 1/8” below the bottom tier of the member. Special Tiers are awarded only for specific acts of service or actions. Tiers are available from the PLI Store.

Special Tiers (Least to greatest significance):

The Silver Tier is awarded to Team Captains, BCC Representatives, and Detachment Liaisons as registered with the PLI to recognize them for their service and leadership.
The Golden Tier may be worn by past and present Executive Coordinators of the PLI.
The Green Tier is awarded to certified medical/emt/rescue personnel who are willing to perform service as a PLI Medic during an event and wish to be recognized as medical personnel.

The Red and Blue Tier are the highest honors of the PLI. They cannot be awarded for field actions, command ability, or game related skills. These awards are for members whose action demands recognition.

The Red Tier is awarded on nomination by member or non member for exceptional acts above and beyond the call of duty.

The Lt. Blue Tier is only awarded by nomination of a non-member for exceptional acts above and beyond the call of duty.

Other special tiers may be created on approval of the BCC, All tiers except the Lt Blue, red, and green may be taken away for disciPLInary violations.

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